Thursday, November 25, 2010

What May Bring You, Is Beautiful.

Here are some of my latest photos.. I'm really starting to get into my 75-300mm lens! ah its incredible. All of these were taken with it, I haven't used it for months up until awhile ago. :) What do you think?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

There's always a reason to smile.

I have a life any girl dreams about.
I love it. I'm in love with life.
Becoming older and having to grow up is tough..
But it has to happen.
Theres always a reason to smile,
and he's mine.
Through the rough times, he's always here.
I love him.
Sweet dreams, loving thoughts.
Perfect smile, and the best kisses in the world.
Things are stressing me out..
But nothing I can't fix, I hope..

I recently just got foot surgery and have been off my feet for a week and a half now. It's starting to get to me and OTHER things are worrying me. I want to start my own photography stuff going again so I can work for myself. I enjoy my job, but I would have more time for school if I did my own stuff. At least when I get healed. We want to travel the world, but money is the only thing stopping us. I want to be able to trade qualities and necessities for things I want. If only it were that easy.. See, i'm not negative. I'm just venting. For whoever reads this.. if anyone reads this. :) I'm kinda new at this blogger thing.

I think I'm going to start volunteering at an animals place here called P.A.W.S. I think that would be so wonderful! I want to work with animals. Once i'm healed, i'm going to apply.

I'm gonna read The Bell Jar (for the second time) and go to sleep.
Its 2 am & I should be in bed.


Monday, November 1, 2010

the views of love, the Honeymoon.

Welcome to California!
 This is the absolutely gorgeous, Malibu.
 I love being married. <3
 My husband. :)
 Malibu... sigh.

 Above, is my Sean's eye.
 Beautiful, huh?
 Paige feet, meet Seagull feet.
 We found dead guy along our journey through Malibu. Poor guy.

 Welcome to Pine Valley!
 A view from the road we were walking on.
 Beautiful fall leaves in Pine Valley.
 Sean told me to discover how to do this, so I did.
 I'm a fan. :)
 You really should visit here.
 Mmmm. My sweethearts feet and mine.
My gorgeous HUSBAND walking along Carlsbad. <333 

I had the best honeymoon I could ever have imagined. I am so happy with Sean Turpin. I'm still a Watters at heart. He is the only man I could ever sing with, be a nerd with, and last but not least, be myself.