Monday, November 1, 2010

the views of love, the Honeymoon.

Welcome to California!
 This is the absolutely gorgeous, Malibu.
 I love being married. <3
 My husband. :)
 Malibu... sigh.

 Above, is my Sean's eye.
 Beautiful, huh?
 Paige feet, meet Seagull feet.
 We found dead guy along our journey through Malibu. Poor guy.

 Welcome to Pine Valley!
 A view from the road we were walking on.
 Beautiful fall leaves in Pine Valley.
 Sean told me to discover how to do this, so I did.
 I'm a fan. :)
 You really should visit here.
 Mmmm. My sweethearts feet and mine.
My gorgeous HUSBAND walking along Carlsbad. <333 

I had the best honeymoon I could ever have imagined. I am so happy with Sean Turpin. I'm still a Watters at heart. He is the only man I could ever sing with, be a nerd with, and last but not least, be myself. 

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